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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form


readBoolean() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads one input byte from the input stream. and returns true if that byte is nonzero, false if that byte is zero.
readByte() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads and returns one signed byte from the input stream.
readChar() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads two bytes from the input stream and returns the char value converted from these bytes.
readDouble() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads eight bytes from the input stream and returns the double value converted from these bytes.
readFloat() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads four bytes from the input stream and returns the float value converted from these bytes.
readFully(byte[]) - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads some bytes from the input stream into the given byte array.
readFully(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads the specified number of bytes from the input stream into the given byte array.
readInt() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads four bytes from the input stream and returns the signed int value converted from these bytes.
readLine() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
readLong() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads eight bytes from the input stream and returns the signed long value converted from these bytes.
readShort() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads two bytes from the input stream and returns the signed short value converted from these bytes.
readUnsignedByte() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads and returns one unsigned byte from the input stream.
readUnsignedInt() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads four bytes from the input stream and returns the unsigned int value converted from these bytes.
readUnsignedInt() - Method in interface com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.UnsignedIntInput
Reads four input bytes and returns a long value in the range 0 through 2147483647.
readUnsignedShort() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads two bytes from the input stream and returns the unsigned short value converted from these bytes.
readUTF() - Method in class com.aurumsmods.littlebigio.BinaryInputStream
Reads and returns a Unicode character string encoded in modified UTF-8 format from the input stream.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Serialized Form